A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X Z _


GE - Static variable in class net.sf.transjvm.Operator
The greater than or equals operator.
getBytes() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.TClass
Returns the byte array for this TClass, in standard JVM class file format.
getClassRef(String) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the named class.
getClassRef(UTF) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the named class.
getDescriptor() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.TypeID
Returns the descriptor for this type.
getDouble(double) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the double d
getDump() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.util.Evaluator
getfield(FieldID) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.InstructionStream
getFieldRef(int, String, UTF) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the specified field.
getFloat(float) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the float f
getInteger(int) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the integer i
getInterfaceMethodRef(int, String, UTF) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the specified interface method.
getLineNumberTable() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.InstructionStream
getLocalVariableTable() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.InstructionStream
getLong(long) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the long l
getMethodRef(int, String, UTF) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the specified method.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.FieldID
getName() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.Attribute
Returns the name of this Attribute.
getName() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.MethodID
Returns the name of this MethodID.
getOwningClass() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.MemberID
Returns the TypeID of the class enclosing this ID.
getParameters() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.ConstructorID
Returns the parameter types of this constructor Warning: This method is provided for verification purposes, not for code generation and is slow.
getParameters() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.MethodID
Returns the parameter types of this method.
getProxy(TypeID) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.MethodID
getRef(ConstantPool) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.MemberID
Returns the (16 bit unsigned) reference integer for this ID in the ConstantPool pool.
getReturnType() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.MethodID
getstatic(FieldID) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.InstructionStream
getString(String) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the String s
getType() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.Expression
Gets the type of this Expression
getType() - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.FieldID
getUtf(String) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an UTF index for the String s
getUtf(UTF) - Method in class net.sf.transjvm.jvm.ConstantPool
Returns an index for the UTF utf
GT - Static variable in class net.sf.transjvm.Operator
The greater than operator.
guarded(Statement, Variable, Handler...) - Static method in class net.sf.transjvm.Statement
Returns a Statement which executes body, handling exceptions which may occur.
guarded(Statement, Variable, Handler[]) - Method in interface net.sf.transjvm.util.StatementVisitor

A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X Z _
Copyright 2004-5, Mark Shannon